Apr 20, 10:36 PM
In 5 years time, Kindle OS will have a greater market share than android I think.

Jan 10, 06:27 PM
iPhone - revolutionary in that it raises the bar VERY high for other manufacturers...But it still smells like first generation to me. Behind the arguably flawless design, usability and performance issues are already being raised. Kudos to Steve and his enormously talented staff, but I'll pass on early adoption. But slick..oh so slick..No one is as good as SJ for coordinating such a project. Now let's see how it sells.
It does raise the bar for other manufacturers, but this isn't the portable media player market. In business you either have to be the first, or the cheapest (neither applies to iPhone), simply being the best doesn't cut it. Apple and its devotees have argued for ages that MacOS is so superior to Windows it's ridiculous, but they've never managed to even put a dent in Microsoft's market share.
With the iPod Apple was able to hog 60% of the market before the competition even woke up, but here they're up against Nokia, SonyEricsson, Motorola, Siemens, Blackberry, Palm/Treo, HP and a bunch of other giants with well established distribution channels and deals with every carrier on earth. I hope for Apple's sake they've patented the crap out of this thing because the first SonyEricsson iPhone killer is probably being designed as we speak.
BTW, was there any mention of games on this thing? Without games, kids aren't touching the iPhone with a ten foot pole, and aging businessmen who always groan over buttons being too small may not be into the idea of *no* buttons.
It does raise the bar for other manufacturers, but this isn't the portable media player market. In business you either have to be the first, or the cheapest (neither applies to iPhone), simply being the best doesn't cut it. Apple and its devotees have argued for ages that MacOS is so superior to Windows it's ridiculous, but they've never managed to even put a dent in Microsoft's market share.
With the iPod Apple was able to hog 60% of the market before the competition even woke up, but here they're up against Nokia, SonyEricsson, Motorola, Siemens, Blackberry, Palm/Treo, HP and a bunch of other giants with well established distribution channels and deals with every carrier on earth. I hope for Apple's sake they've patented the crap out of this thing because the first SonyEricsson iPhone killer is probably being designed as we speak.
BTW, was there any mention of games on this thing? Without games, kids aren't touching the iPhone with a ten foot pole, and aging businessmen who always groan over buttons being too small may not be into the idea of *no* buttons.

Matthew M.
Aug 15, 07:59 AM
Molly Sims from an SI Swimsuit Issue a few years ago:

Dec 18, 07:11 PM
Maybe you connected the monitor incorrectly?

Nov 20, 11:45 AM
i'm still waiting for the 1 gen ;)
me too. but both sound nice i guess
me too. but both sound nice i guess

Apr 23, 12:40 AM
The phone wont display the normal screen. It zooms into the current view and I cant scroll anywhere.
Any ideas?
I tried a restore, but it didnt help!
Any ideas?
I tried a restore, but it didnt help!
Mar 3, 08:48 AM
It's amazing just how few (3 so far that I can count) SERIOUS and thoughtful replies to this thread there have been. It almost seems that without personal attacks or social distress we have nothing to talk about... even when faced with the amazingly detrimental economic situation described in the OP. Truly fascinating. Seems more true to me than ever that most on the left either A) fail to recognize the depth and seriousness of the problem at hand, B) don't care or aren't willing to make the necessary cuts to maintain economic sanity, C) are too busy playing petty politics (the blame game) worrying about who caused the problem instead of who's going to fix it. It seems that unless the threads directly pit right vs. left, no one cares enough to engage intellectually and make progress towards a solution. Anyway, thanks to the posters above who actually contributed... I may not agree with your suggestions, but at least your in the arena.
The trouble is in true authoritarian style you present charts from various right wing/big business sources (complete with oversize type and charts,which as you know is the equivalent of shouting,not the best way to start a discussion) and present them as "truth" thereby establishing your own rules,no room for any debate on options.What the U.S. is going through is "end of empire" get used to it and adapt or die.The giant Ponzi scheme that is international capitalism doesn't care about the majority of Americans one way or another.Face it the way America is organised is failing the vast majority's income has been stagnant since Reagan,exploiting others natural resources is getting harder.The U.S. is split,a wealthy few percent control the wealth the rest are awaking to the fact that this is a model for failure and will as time passes become more demanding of change,it may not happen soon but it will happen.Maybe then the U.S. will fulfil the possibilities it has always had.
(in case I'm not being clear,the present model is dead it doesn't work no amount of tinkering will fix it,what is needed is a new model)
The trouble is in true authoritarian style you present charts from various right wing/big business sources (complete with oversize type and charts,which as you know is the equivalent of shouting,not the best way to start a discussion) and present them as "truth" thereby establishing your own rules,no room for any debate on options.What the U.S. is going through is "end of empire" get used to it and adapt or die.The giant Ponzi scheme that is international capitalism doesn't care about the majority of Americans one way or another.Face it the way America is organised is failing the vast majority's income has been stagnant since Reagan,exploiting others natural resources is getting harder.The U.S. is split,a wealthy few percent control the wealth the rest are awaking to the fact that this is a model for failure and will as time passes become more demanding of change,it may not happen soon but it will happen.Maybe then the U.S. will fulfil the possibilities it has always had.
(in case I'm not being clear,the present model is dead it doesn't work no amount of tinkering will fix it,what is needed is a new model)

Jul 31, 04:39 PM
Obviously OP wants the attention of being the thread starter. :rolleyes:
I had a long explanation about why that's just rude on many levels, but instead I just reported your post.
I had a long explanation about why that's just rude on many levels, but instead I just reported your post.

Oct 31, 03:56 PM
I wouldn't mind a 2gb shuffle so I don't have to sync as often.
Wait a year, and you will probably see a 2GB Shuffle with some sort of playlist feature.
Wait a year, and you will probably see a 2GB Shuffle with some sort of playlist feature.

Feb 23, 12:45 PM
and weather all the small things are added like the 7400 the 7410 the 7450 the 7440 7455 7445 7457 7447 and the g3 ones 740 750 750fx 750gx ect.

Apr 7, 10:55 AM
I'm thinking about going back to 4.0.1 and just staying there. The double vibration for texts is dumb, battery life now sucks (although this only happened with 4.3+), my 3GS is quite a bit slower than what it had been, and I am also getting "call failed" each time i try to dial out for the first time.
I don't expect my 3GS to work like an iPhone 4. But I don't see anything new that I've actually found myself using to warrant putting up with any of the above issues.
I don't expect my 3GS to work like an iPhone 4. But I don't see anything new that I've actually found myself using to warrant putting up with any of the above issues.

May 4, 08:59 PM
Platelet donations take longer than blood donations (at least an hour longer in most cases). You can donate platelets much more often because your body regenerates them so quickly, in a matter of days instead of months. Some people feel temporarily light-headed after donating blood, which is why they insist that you rest and have a snack afterwards. That happens less often with platelet donations.
One thing I didn't know until recently: A lot of donation centers encourage platelet donation because platelets have a shorter shelf life than whole blood and supplies can easily run low. But if your blood type is O negative (you're a "universal donor") and you volunteer to donate platelets, they'll likely ask you to donate blood instead!
A Whole BLood Donation will take an average of 5-10 minutes once you're in the phlebotomy chair.... An automated RBC (double red cell) takes approximately 25 minutes in the phlebotomy chair - and a Platelet donation can vary quite a bit... dependent on your body mass, pre-platelet count, etc... average probably about 60 minutes.... In automated procedures, donors get saline back during the procedures, which is why the donors feel better vs. whole blood donors who don't receive any return saline....
Red Blood Cells have a usual shelf life of 42 days - Platelets have a shelf life of 5 days... therefore, the needs are very different - All are extremely important! so ....wherever you fall in the spectrum, keep coming back!
One thing I didn't know until recently: A lot of donation centers encourage platelet donation because platelets have a shorter shelf life than whole blood and supplies can easily run low. But if your blood type is O negative (you're a "universal donor") and you volunteer to donate platelets, they'll likely ask you to donate blood instead!
A Whole BLood Donation will take an average of 5-10 minutes once you're in the phlebotomy chair.... An automated RBC (double red cell) takes approximately 25 minutes in the phlebotomy chair - and a Platelet donation can vary quite a bit... dependent on your body mass, pre-platelet count, etc... average probably about 60 minutes.... In automated procedures, donors get saline back during the procedures, which is why the donors feel better vs. whole blood donors who don't receive any return saline....
Red Blood Cells have a usual shelf life of 42 days - Platelets have a shelf life of 5 days... therefore, the needs are very different - All are extremely important! so ....wherever you fall in the spectrum, keep coming back!

Sep 3, 11:01 PM
Nice, another back seat mod.

Sep 24, 04:17 PM
So this kid is a straight A student and is very bright. But he argues with his parents a lot and, like any other teenager, is disrespectful. Should any of these factors influence a parent's decision? On one hand, he has proven to be responsible, saving money and getting good grades. On the other hand, he's moody and often shuts himself off from the rest of the family.YES! I strongly feel that what you've mentioned definitely has an impact! If he is bright, he is more likely to get in trouble and if he tends to 'shut himself off from the rest of the family' then shooting him down when he finally opens up and tells the truth and offers some insight into his 'closed' life would be detrimental in my book!
By all means, talk about all of this with him instead of just thinking it over. If he is bright and has shown responsibility as you say, then give him the chance to discuss this situation w/ you. Even if you aren't comfortable w/ allowing him to, then say so! Tell him that you'd rather he didn't but that honestly, you will support him if he still chose too. Tell him that you know he is bright and responsible and assuch you'd expect no less from him than to practice safe sex should things escalate to that level.
But he has shown initiative in telling you the truth... show him the respect he deserves because yes, respect is a two-way street. He has respected the parent (sorry got carried away by saying 'you' and whatnot instead of 'his parent') enough to bring this up the parent should do well by him and return that respect.
By all means, talk about all of this with him instead of just thinking it over. If he is bright and has shown responsibility as you say, then give him the chance to discuss this situation w/ you. Even if you aren't comfortable w/ allowing him to, then say so! Tell him that you'd rather he didn't but that honestly, you will support him if he still chose too. Tell him that you know he is bright and responsible and assuch you'd expect no less from him than to practice safe sex should things escalate to that level.
But he has shown initiative in telling you the truth... show him the respect he deserves because yes, respect is a two-way street. He has respected the parent (sorry got carried away by saying 'you' and whatnot instead of 'his parent') enough to bring this up the parent should do well by him and return that respect.

Aug 16, 01:40 AM
I think this sums up how I feel, and may I dare say most people do too.

Nov 4, 04:18 AM
me also.... great app
i hate that app... thanks for putting it in though... :)
its the one with all the silly driver things isnt it..ok maybe its just im to stooopid to use it..;)
No its pretty easy to install...
i hate that app... thanks for putting it in though... :)
its the one with all the silly driver things isnt it..ok maybe its just im to stooopid to use it..;)
No its pretty easy to install...

Aug 6, 09:07 AM
Wow, I feel depressed just looking at that.:p

Nov 19, 02:49 PM
Not true.. I am the Art Director for a Art department that makes grocery store ads.
Soda is not a common loss leader since it's DSD Pepsi/Coke keep close price controls.
I usually see produce and meat used as loss leaders..
All food margins are bad for grocery stores...they end up making the most money off of their non-food items...which is why you often see a growing number of non-food aisles.
Another point... I expect that TJ MAXX just bought up a bunch of the Refurbished iPads and is taking a $50 loss on each to get people in the stores.
they are new iPads.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
Finally TJMaxx finally got the attention they wanted without spending thousands of dollars in advertising.
Well they did pay money for it. They are probably losing between $70-$100 on each iPad.
Here's a piece done by Fortune posted just a few minutes ago referring to the TJ Maxx thing:
I seriously doubt the figure of "80 iPads total" aquired by TJ Maxx that is speculated in the article, but who knows.
I think he meant 8,000. I did the math myself. All you do is count the number of stores east of colorado or so. I estimate 50%-60% of stores got 10 iPads each...throw in some Marshalls stores...and you get between 5,000 - 10,000 iPads.
(notice how some Marshalls stores are holding off on their iPads until Black Friday...maybe they are apple users who actually figure out they have a prized possession...i can see most managers just saying..what are these ipads..lets just give them away).
Soda is not a common loss leader since it's DSD Pepsi/Coke keep close price controls.
I usually see produce and meat used as loss leaders..
All food margins are bad for grocery stores...they end up making the most money off of their non-food items...which is why you often see a growing number of non-food aisles.
Another point... I expect that TJ MAXX just bought up a bunch of the Refurbished iPads and is taking a $50 loss on each to get people in the stores.
they are new iPads.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
Finally TJMaxx finally got the attention they wanted without spending thousands of dollars in advertising.
Well they did pay money for it. They are probably losing between $70-$100 on each iPad.
Here's a piece done by Fortune posted just a few minutes ago referring to the TJ Maxx thing:
I seriously doubt the figure of "80 iPads total" aquired by TJ Maxx that is speculated in the article, but who knows.
I think he meant 8,000. I did the math myself. All you do is count the number of stores east of colorado or so. I estimate 50%-60% of stores got 10 iPads each...throw in some Marshalls stores...and you get between 5,000 - 10,000 iPads.
(notice how some Marshalls stores are holding off on their iPads until Black Friday...maybe they are apple users who actually figure out they have a prized possession...i can see most managers just saying..what are these ipads..lets just give them away).

May 3, 01:47 AM
The irony of a forum with a very large gay and bisexual membership to ask for blood donations is beyond ridiculous.
Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.
Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.
May 5, 02:34 PM
Restore as new and if it still does it take it in to apple to replace the phone.
Oct 5, 05:04 PM
This is my first post. It takes a lot for me to stop being a lurker, but the idea that any user can resize a textarea on a site I design, dynamically redrawing the page, is among the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. This will break valid page layouts in new and unheard of ways. Designers make form elements a size and shape for a reason.
I look forward to finding a way using JavaScript to disable that feature the day that browser is released.
I think it's a nice feature, it's not like it's going to destory how the page looks initially.
I look forward to finding a way using JavaScript to disable that feature the day that browser is released.
I think it's a nice feature, it's not like it's going to destory how the page looks initially.
Apr 4, 06:25 PM
I saw that article about the M5 concept this morning. The new 5er looks much better than the one just replaced, but I'm still very partial to the E39 5 series. I had a 2003 530i and to this day regret getting rid of it.
BMWs are sort of like Mustangs with me. I'm always sort of indifferent to them when new ones are released, but as years go by and they get older, I start to really like them. The E39 M5 is no different. It is in my Top 10 favorite cars of all time, easily. It rides that fine line between sport and luxury so well....
BMWs are sort of like Mustangs with me. I'm always sort of indifferent to them when new ones are released, but as years go by and they get older, I start to really like them. The E39 M5 is no different. It is in my Top 10 favorite cars of all time, easily. It rides that fine line between sport and luxury so well....
Dec 1, 11:24 AM
I'll go out on a limb here and say you are a fan of Marvel comic books.;)
Not the biggest fan TBH but I have always been a fan of comic book art...
...indeed, busier than my normal wallpapers but the colors pop on my screen and it looks rad imo. :D
Not the biggest fan TBH but I have always been a fan of comic book art...
...indeed, busier than my normal wallpapers but the colors pop on my screen and it looks rad imo. :D
Mar 30, 01:08 PM
Wow... this girl handmakes these stylish vinyl laptop bags that are sized for 12" and 15" Powerbooks. Probably most appealing to girls, but I'm thinking about getting one of the 15" ones and a shoulder strap.
A little on the pricey side, maybe? But totally one of a kind, and they're handmade, so you can't really complain.
Lee Tom
A little on the pricey side, maybe? But totally one of a kind, and they're handmade, so you can't really complain.
Lee Tom