Below apresneto one lists with beeps, the problem and I diagnosis
It When the Windows is twirling, is easy to identify errors. But what to make when the PC it does not arrive nor to initiate? For cases as this, it has sonorous messages, a set of bips short and long that make possible the diagnosis of a same problem if the plate of video not to function.
These sounds are generated by the BIOS, an internal program of the plate-mother who always makes the verification of the hardware that the machine is on. If something will be missed, you is knowing in the hour. A time that has a BIOS manufacturer more than, the messages can be different of a computer for another one. Here you confer the more common sonorous messages of the BIOS of the Award and the AMI, most used in Brazil.
BIOS Award
Problem: the machine does not initiate and you hear a long beeper after to bind the Disgnostic hardware: the error indicates that it has a memory problem RAM. Recommendation: it opens the computer, it removes the memories and pass a soft brush to eliminate the dust of the sockets. Recoloque the combs and verifies if the problem was solved. In case that the error persists, it changes to the memory combs RAM.
Problem: the short machine does not initiate and you hear a long beeper followed by two bips Diagnosis: problem with the video plate Recommendation: it opens the computer, it takes off the plate and pass a soft brush to remove the dust of slot. Recoloque it and it verifies if the problem was solved. In case that the error persists, it substitutes the video plate.
Problem: the short machine does not initiate and you hear a long beeper followed by three bips Diagnosis: problem with the video plate Recommendation: the same one of the previous case. Problem: the machine stops in the high and low continuous initiation and you it hears bips Diagnosis: problem with the processing Recommendation: it enters in the BIOS and it verifies if the processor is configured correctly. If the problem to persist, substitutes the processor.
Problem: the machine functions normally, but you hear bips low continuous Disgnostic: problem of heating of the processing Recommendation: it opens the computer and it verifies if cooler is turning correctly. If necessary, it substitutes the component. It also uses to advantage to add a little of thermal folder between the processor and the spendthrift of heat. These folders easily are found in store specialized in computer science.
Problem: the machine does not initiate and you hear a short beeper, three bips short or a long beeper and three short ones.
Diagnosis: memory problem
Recommendation: it opens the computer, it removes the memories and pass a soft brush to remove the dust of the sockets. Recoloque the combs and verifies if the problem was solved. In case that the error persists, it changes to the memory combs RAM. But as reference, a beeper means error of refresh, three bips na means error memory RAM below of 64 KB and a long bit and three short ones mean error na memory RAM above of 64 KB.
Problem: short the two computer does not initiate and you hear bips Diagnosis: error of memory parity Recommendation: you probably have two or more incompatible combs of memory. He opens the computer, he removes all the combs and he has tested them, one by one, until finding the comb incompatible.
Problem: the short PC does not initiate and you hear five bips Diagnosis: error in the processing Recommendation: it enters in the BIOS and it verifies if the processor is configured correctly. If the problem to persist, substitutes chip.
Problem: short the 11 machine does not initiate and you hear bips Diagnosis: cache L2 fails in the memory Recommendation: it substitutes the plate-mother.
Problem: the machine does not initiate and you hear short two a long beeper followed of bips Diagnosis: problem with the video plate
Recommendation: it opens the computer, it takes off the plate of video and pass a soft brush to remove the dust of slot. Recoloque the video plate and verifies if the problem was solved. In case that the error persists, it substitutes the plate.
Tags:bios,tips,memory,computer science