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` Ciber vagrancy ' in the work grows in Brazil

To each week, the Brazilians spend 5,9 hours sailing in personal sites during the work. The number comes of the research carried through for the Websense to mapear the behavior of the InterNet users. 400 employees of companies based on Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico had been interviewed. The number is almost three times the average divulged for the company in 2005: 2.1 hours. In September of 2006, the research pointed the index of 4,7 used hours with respect to ends not-professionals. Visits the news, financial sites, accounts of personal email, blogs and use of instantaneous communicator to talk with friends are activities that if fit in "the not professional" territory, in accordance with the research. The average of "lost time" in the four searched Latin American countries was of 7,3 hours per week. Mexico appears with biggest "wastefulness", with average of 9,6 hours, and Chile presents index of five hours.

Change of habit

The financial sites had monopolized the attention of the Brazilians in the navigation for content not related to the work. The subject economy, including pages of banks, represented 76% of accesses - 20% than in 2006 more. Fernando Fontão, executive of the Websense, says that the increase of traffic in financial sites is justified by the praticidade of the services. "He is faster to pay accounts for the InterNet of that to face line of the bank", affirms. The sites of notice had fallen for as the place. In 2006 they were responsible for 74% of the accesses, index that fell for 40% in 2007. In third place they continue the sites of personal email, with 32% of the preference. The visits blogs had grown of 4% for 14%, tying up to with the use of VoIP communicators (voice on IP), as the Skype.

Unsafe company

Beyond the possible risk to the productivity in the work, the alert Websense for the security of the companies, who can be victims of the personal navigation of its employees. Sigilosas information of a company, for example, can leak for e-mails personal and cause damages - accidentally or not. But the limit enters the rights of the employee and the duties of the company nor always are clearly. Adauto de Mello Junior, senior director of vendas of the Websense for Latin America, admits that "the mixed staff and professional are each time more". 100 people in each country had been interviewed, being 50 users and 50 controlling of Technology of the Information. The Websense says that the answers had been spontaneous and they had not involved monitoramento.

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