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Anang-Ashanty nervous Show ravished

JAKARTA - duet makes Anang and Ashanty often prosecuted perform intimate on stage. However, Sam said still nervous every time making out with her new duet partner.


"really nervous. I was really nervous when near him (Ashanty)," I Anang when found in Permata Hijau area, South Jakarta, recently.

The same was felt Ashanty. Because the former star Chat & Date the ad was the first time a duet with male singers.

"We sing it still nervous because we only sang a few times on television. Would you like baseball going, there must be feeling nervous," said Ashanty.

To overcome it, couples who have not released a duet album was trying to study more closely. They continue to learn in order to appear senatural possible.

"We both feel how to bring appreciation to the good. Everything needed process. Every day we learn to be better than yesterday," Ashanty determination. (ang)