In case you missed it, I posted an announcement several weeks ago concerning a series of major updates that I will be making to this site. You can view the original announcement here. To sum things up, I realized that this update would be a massive undertaking, so I decided that it would be best to divide the updates into six different phases. The six different phases for the update are listed at the bottom of this post.
Right now I am working on the fourth phase, which involves adding all of the blogs from the blogroll to the Aggregator RSS feed. This is accomplished by adding each blog's feed to my Google Reader account, which then generates a "Shared Items" page, which can be found here, or by selecting "Blog Updates" from the second menu at the top of this site. The Aggregator RSS feed is initially generated by Google Reader, which I then customize using Feedburner. The DM Aggregator RSS feed can be found @ http://feeds.feedburner.com/dmblogroll
I am also creating a folder for each genre category listed on the blogroll, which will allow me to create a separate RSS feed for each category on the blogroll.
I still have yet to work out all the details as to how I would like to incorporate the aggregated content into the design of the site; however, I can reveal the first design modification to the site that I will make. As I mentioned before, each category will have it's own feed, and I intend to display an RSS feed icon for each category, giving you the option to subscribe to only updates from that particular category. I would also like to display a preview of the most recent updates from each category feed above the list of blogs in that category.
That is all the news I have for now, but I will be reporting back with more news concerning the progress of the update soon. I hope you all enjoy the ideas being presented, as well as the changes actively being made here. As always, please help me out by providing me with any feedback that you can regarding the update. Here is the aforementioned list of phases for the update:
Phase I: Delete Spam Comments (Complete)
Phase II: Remove dead links (Complete)
Phase III: Sort through comments and add blogs that qualify to the list (Complete)
Phase IV: Add RSS feeds for all the blogs on the blogroll to the Aggregator RSS feed (In Progress)
Phase V: Find new blogs to add to the list through personal research and visitor's recommendations
Phase VI: Changes to the code which will enhance the appearance, functionality, and ease of navigation
Right now I am working on the fourth phase, which involves adding all of the blogs from the blogroll to the Aggregator RSS feed. This is accomplished by adding each blog's feed to my Google Reader account, which then generates a "Shared Items" page, which can be found here, or by selecting "Blog Updates" from the second menu at the top of this site. The Aggregator RSS feed is initially generated by Google Reader, which I then customize using Feedburner. The DM Aggregator RSS feed can be found @ http://feeds.feedburner.com/dmblogroll
I am also creating a folder for each genre category listed on the blogroll, which will allow me to create a separate RSS feed for each category on the blogroll.
I still have yet to work out all the details as to how I would like to incorporate the aggregated content into the design of the site; however, I can reveal the first design modification to the site that I will make. As I mentioned before, each category will have it's own feed, and I intend to display an RSS feed icon for each category, giving you the option to subscribe to only updates from that particular category. I would also like to display a preview of the most recent updates from each category feed above the list of blogs in that category.
That is all the news I have for now, but I will be reporting back with more news concerning the progress of the update soon. I hope you all enjoy the ideas being presented, as well as the changes actively being made here. As always, please help me out by providing me with any feedback that you can regarding the update. Here is the aforementioned list of phases for the update:
Phase I: Delete Spam Comments (Complete)
Phase II: Remove dead links (Complete)
Phase III: Sort through comments and add blogs that qualify to the list (Complete)
Phase IV: Add RSS feeds for all the blogs on the blogroll to the Aggregator RSS feed (In Progress)
Phase V: Find new blogs to add to the list through personal research and visitor's recommendations
Phase VI: Changes to the code which will enhance the appearance, functionality, and ease of navigation