First of all, some introduction is necessary. In the time before Windows, all computers had a normal-sized reset button because, back then, computers required frequent resetting. And it was normal and nothing happened and it all worked well. You could even reset them with the famous “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key combo. Then came the Windows…and the rest is history. Excellent as Windows are (you do sense the irony in this, don’t you?), it is not a good practice to manually reset your computer “due to possible data loss“. I think that mainly because of that, you now get reset buttons sized as the ones on the PocketPC, that you have to push with a toothpick to activate. Both phoenixx and I used up all our toothpicks and realized that it was time for drastic measures! It looks like the more you spend on a computer case, the smaller the reset button is. See here:

The first reset button actually requires a toothpick, while the second one is nicely blended with the case so that you miss it with greater probability. Fortunately, Maddy McBlast has provided a solution for us:

Yes, it looks like a giant mushroom, but it’s not. We already tried eating it, so we know. It’s a button that is used in industry for stopping various machines and most important thing about it is that it can be activated in any direction. All you have to do is to hit it with something (like, a fist). Here’s another photo of it:

Connection is simple, and only two wires are necessary. Simply replace the original reset button on the case. We used three wires just because we could! No, seriously, the third wire is for future improvements (maybe for a LED?):

Looking at the pictures so far, you could have thought that we are just messing with you and that this button is even smaller than those pesky little reset buttons. So, just for you, we took a photo just for you…just for you…and you. What was I talking about? Oh yes, we took a photo just for you to see how it compares against other things:

So there you have it. No more will you need a toothpick or a pencil to reset your PC. No more will you be forced to use the Task Manager or the Start button to reset your PC. And you know what? Windows will even work better knowing that you have a huge reset button and that you could end their miserable virtual life in a second!
Tags:Reset ,Ultimate ,Button,Windows,virtual