Isolate your drum and bass tracks in your mix. Hit the solo button on the drum and bass track in your mix your to focus on only the drum and bass elements of your mix.
Study the sound relationship of your drum and bass track. Is it too muddy? Are the drums and bass fighting for the same space in your mix?
Insert an EQ plug-in into each of your drum and bass tracks. EQ will enable you to give your drums and bass their own space in your mix. The main frequencies we'll be targeting will be roughly between 60-200 Hz.
Adjust your EQ settings. Your goal is to give your drums and bass each their own sonic space. So, you do not want to boost or cut the same exact frequencies on both tracks. For instance, If you boost 60 Hz on your drums, do not boost 60 Hz on your bass. It is actually common to cut the same frequency on one track that you boost on the other. In other words, if you boost 60Hz on your drums, try cutting 60 Hz on the bass. This will give the drums and bass their own sonic space and the drums and bass will not be fighting with one another for the same spot on the sonic field.
Experiment. Cut or boost frequencies until your drums and bass are no longer fighting for the same space and the sound is no longer muddy.
Turn off the solo buttons and add the rest of your instruments back into the mix. If you're lucky everything will sound just wonderful. But, the other instruments may now change the balance of things so you may need to make a few subtle adjustments to your drums and bass once again until everything is perfect. Just keep practicing and listening. EQ is your most powerful weapon when creating a great mix.