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I think the title says it all, really. This is a truly scary guy.

Straightedge Toast

This guy maybe has my favorite bad tattoos of all time. Ever. Period.
Possibly because I have a real soft spot for straight edge tattoos and punk/hc tattoos, possibly because they are just hilarious.

Description from the horse's mouth below:

All my friends have toast tattoos, because when you're poor and dumpster for your food bread is always readily available - it's this thing that kinda unifies us at this point in our lives. The Earth Crisis theme came about when some silly hardline XVX kids were staying at this punk house and talking about how belittling a band with serious issues is a bad thing, and how EC was cool and really helped push ideas into hardcore, and then they started insulting the people who lived at that house by degrading them and saying they had bad views, even making someone get near the verge of crying because she ate sparingly fish.

I realized that the lyrics for the beginning of Firestorm worked really well with toast (the original lyrics for those who don't know are "Street by street/block by block/taking it all back", referring to cleansing a neighborhood of drug dealers.) I went and got the tattoo done in an hour, showed them, and started drinking and eating cheese for the rest of the night (even though I was vegan at the time.) They stopped talking to me, and left shortly after.

I'm going to be getting a tattoo really soon that is based off of the anarchist atheist saying "No Gods, No Masters", but its gonna say "Dogs, No Masters" and have a kennel on fire and someone holding a leash with his brains blown out, and upside down crosses made of milk bones. I didn't think up that saying, though

Firefox Extensions for the Music Enthusiast

New URL for 4 Brothers Beats

4 Brothers Beats Screenshot

The boys are back in town. I've been out of touch with the ongoings of the music blog scene, and although I'm sure it's old news to some, I'm happy to report that the gentlemen who run the 4 Brothers Beats blog are back up and running, only this time they have relocated to Wordpress. The blog, which is one of the elite soul/funk music blogs, recently made their blog private in order to take a brief break from blogging. Many of you enquired about invitations to the private blog, so I'm sure you all will be as pleased as I am to see the brothers back in the saddle. The format of the blog is a little different this time around, as they have adopted a "album of the week" presentation, but you'll receive the same top-notch quality material that you've come to expect from 4BB.

More amazing back pieces

What happened to this angel's feet? Don't they look just like stumps? Also why is one angel stomping the other one's head? I think I see some horns on the bottom angel there, so maybe it's Lucifer being shown what's up.
Let me show you a wonderful trio of ridiculous back tattoos:

Now I know that this photo was taken mid-scabby-stage so I won't be *too* harsh about the quality of the tattooing here, because it's really hard to tell. HOWEVER, it's impossible to tell what's going on! I do see some flaming dice, and a '3', but what are the weird globby things on each shoulder? They look like rotting lettuce.

Okay, now this one just confuses me. I am under the assumption that it's not finished. The triangle thing on the left is one of the worst tattoos I've seen, but seems like a pretty explainable bad tattoo to get. The Japanese guy on the right is not actually that bad, and obviously isn't done yet. What REALLY baffles me though, is what is on the bottom. It looks like a scratched on sunbathing girl at the beach! IT CAN'T BE SO! sdlkfjslfjs! Amazing.

New & Improved Design - Feedback Needed

Welcome to the new and improved Digital Meltd0wn Music Blogroll. I would like to apologize for taking so long to unveil the new layout. I have been working close to 60 hours a week each and every week, which didn't leave me much time to work on the design.

There are still a number of small fixes that need to be applied to some older posts, as the new CSS stylesheet isn't compatible with some of them, particularly the featured blogs posts. I'll work on fixing these over the course of the next couple of days depending on how much free time I have. Once I've finished that, I'll make the necessary changes to this design so that I can apply it to my regular music blog also. The good news is that the meat and potatoes of this blog, the blogroll itself, is in fine working order. I think that it is much easier to navigate now, and I hope that you all will agree. There are still a number of small hacks that I intend to make in addition to the fixes, which will not only increase the functionality of the blog, but will also improve the aesthetic quality. I hope these changes are favorably received as well.

As always, feel free to leave me some positive feedback or constructive criticism. Please let me know if there is a feature that you would like to see added. I have started a list of known issues, which you can find below. If you spot a problem that isn't on the list, please leave a comment identifying the problem, and be sure to include some info about the browser you are using. I hope you all enjoy the new and improved Digital Meltd0wn Music Blogroll.